March 8, 2021

Images by Joy von Tiedemann
March 8 officially marks International Women’s Day. Acclaimed by millions every year, this is a day of learning, a checkpoint for progress, and one of celebration. Although the festivities are looking a little bit different this year, it’s important to honor women’s achievements in the past, recognize where we currently stand and hold ourselves accountable as we shape an even brighter future. Although International Women’s Day was officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977, campaigning for women to possess equal social, civil, and political rights has been a fundamental part of global history, documenting back more than one century ago. Today, we use this day to commend the talent, outstanding achievements, and leadership of women as they continue to lay this critical foundation for attaining equal opportunity in the present day.
In 2019, tradeswomen in Canada accounted for 13.3 percent of the total construction industry workforce, a mild incline from the 12.6 percent statistic recorded in 2006. Though women are much better represented in administrative positions and other offsite roles, filling approximately 41 percent of jobs, numbers remain low for onsite tradeswomen. Opening the doors for women in construction careers begins with adequate educational pathways for skilled trades where apprenticeships, training, and salary knowledge are available to students in their formative years, providing choices that may often be overlooked.
In light of International Women’s Day, we want to celebrate the hard-working women that continue to be a driving force of change in construction — both onsite and offsite. Every day you show up and set a new golden standard for the generations of the future. Thank you.
To view Joy Von Tiedemann’s photo series of women in construction at Waterworks, continue scrolling below.